
大衛之星的由來(Star of David






Q: Why does the Jewish star have six points? The Encyclopedia of Judaica explained it is from King David's time, and that it was shaped like the hexagon. This answer did not sit well with me. Perhaps you have other sources that explains it better?

問:為什麼猶太之星有六個角?猶太百科全書(The Encyclopedia of Judaica)的解釋是,這符號從大衛王時期就已經存在,它的形狀如同一個六角形。這樣的回答並不能讓我完全滿意。請問拉比有更好的解釋嗎?

A: The Aish Rabbi Replies: 以下是網站拉比的回答:

In modern times, the Star of David has become a premier Jewish symbol. This six-pointed star (hexagram), made of two interlocking triangles, can be found on mezuzahs, menorahs, tallis bags and kippahs. Ambulances in Israel bear the sign of the "Red Star of David," and the flag of Israel has a blue Star of David planted squarely in the center.



What is the origin of this six-pointed symbol?這個六角星最初的象徵為何?

Through the Jewish people's long and often difficult history, we have come to the realization that our only hope is to place our trust in God. The six points of the Star of David symbolize God's rule over the universe in all six directions: north, south, east, west, up and down.


Originally, the Hebrew name Magen David -- literally "Shield of David" -- poetically referred to God. It acknowledges that our military hero, King David, did not win by his own might, but by the support of the Almighty. This is also alluded to in the third blessing after the Haftorah reading on Shabbat: "Blessed are you God, Shield of David."

其實,「Magen David」這個希伯來名詞原本字面的意思就是「大衛的盾牌」,這個名詞非常巧妙地將上帝隱喻其中。它表示,我們的軍事英雄大衛王,並不是靠自己的力量得勝,而是倚靠全能上帝的力量。這也就是為什麼我們在安息日朗誦哈夫妥拉(Haftorah)【譯註2】後的第三個祝福,是這麼說的:保護你的是上帝,大衛的盾牌」Blessed are you God, Shield of David


Various other explanations exist on the meaning behind the Star of David.一些其他有關大衛之星的解釋

One idea is that a six-pointed star receives form and substance from its solid center. This inner core represents the spiritual dimension, surrounded by the six universal directions. (A similar idea applies to Shabbat -- the seventh day which gives balance and perspective to the six weekdays.)


In Kabbalah, the two triangles represent the dichotomies inherent in man: good vs. evil, spiritual vs. physical, etc. The two triangles may also represent the reciprocal relationship between the Jewish people and God. The triangle pointing "up" symbolizes our good deeds which go up to heaven, and then activate a flow of goodness back down to the world, symbolized by the triangle pointing down.




A more practical theory is that during the Bar Kokhba rebellion (first century), a new technology was developed for shields using the inherent stability of the triangle. Behind the shield were two interlocking triangles, forming a hexagonal pattern of support points.

一個更實際的理論是,第一世紀的猶太大祭司「巴可巴抗」Bar Kokhba Revolt【譯註4】時,他們利用三角形的內在穩定性研發出一種新的技術來製造盾牌。盾牌的背面有兩個環環相扣的三角形,形成一個堅固的六邊形圖案支撐面。

【譯註4】哈德良(Hardrian)在主曆117年繼位為羅馬皇帝。132年,哈德良下令禁行割禮、禁守安息日、禁讀猶太律法,並在耶路撒冷的聖墓遺址上蓋了一座丘比特(Jupiter)神廟,引起猶太人的第二次起義,史稱「巴可巴反抗」(Bar Kokhba Revolt)。

One cynical suggestion is that the Star of David is an appropriate symbol for the internal strife that often afflicts Jewish nation: two triangles pointing in opposite directions!


The Star of David was a sad symbol of the Holocaust, when the Nazis forced Jews to wear an identifying yellow star. Actually, Jews were forced to wear special badges during the Middle Ages, both by Muslim and Christian authorities, and even in Israel under the Ottoman Empire.


So whether it is a blue star waving proudly on a flag, or a gold star adorning a synagogue's entrance, the Star of David stands as a reminder that for the Jewish people... in God we trust.


資料來源 : www.aish.com
刊登日期 : 2015/04/07