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耶路撤冷Jerusalem, 悲苦路, 聖墓堂 Church of the Holy Sepulchre的正門
耶路撤冷Jerusalem, 悲苦路第11站,聖墓堂內天主教祭壇Altar of Nails of the Cross
耶路撤冷Jerusalem, 悲苦路第12站,聖墓堂內耶穌被釘十字架之處,現名為Greek Orthodox crucifixion altar
耶路撤冷Jerusalem, 聖墓堂內圓形大廳(rotunda)上的的穹頂
耶路撤冷Jerusalem, 聖墓堂下層的Chapel of Saint Helena(左)及Chapel of the Finding of the Holy Cross(右)
耶路撒冷Jerusalem, 聖墓堂內被稱為各各他的地方
耶路撒冷Jerusalem, 聖墓堂內希臘東正教的Altar of Crucification
耶路撒冷 Jerusalem, 聖墓堂 Church of the Holy Sepulchre
耶路撒冷 Jerusalem, 聖墓堂 Church of the Holy Sepulchre
耶路撒冷 Jerusalem, 悲苦路13站 Stone of Anointing 聖墓堂
悲苦路13站 Stone of Anointing (painting) 聖墓堂
聖墓堂-往各各他- 聖墓堂-Church of the Holy Sepulchre
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